Andrew Wilson reviews TPT

Andrew Wilson reviews TPT

Andrew Wilson is Teaching Pastor at King’s Church London, and has theology degrees from Cambridge (MA), London School of Theology (MTh), and King’s College London (PhD).Andrew has expressed serious concerns with The Passion Translation:

Andrew has expressed serious concerns with The Passion Translation:

“The Passion “translation” inserts all kinds of concepts, words and ideas of which the original gives no hint whatsoever.”

“God’s love language is not hidden, or missing; it is in plain sight in the many excellent translations we have available. The Word of God, in any language, is a book of love and literature, heart and head, passion and perceptiveness, foundations and fire. It doesn’t need adding to.”

“I wouldn’t recommend people use TPT, and if they do, I would recommend they recognise that a) it is not actually a translation, and b) they use other versions as their primary texts for study.”

You can read Andrew Wilson’s complete article here:

Andrew posted Brian Simmons response here:

Andrew then concluded his blog series on TPT here: