New Reformation Bible?

New Reformation Bible?

Brian Simmons has nicknamed the Passion Translation New Testament as a new “Reformation Bible“:

“This next year, October 31, 2017 leads us up to the celebration of the 500th year of Reformation of the church, the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church. It was a day that changed the church and the world forever. I believe we are on the precipice of another reformation of sorts and without realizing it we have been planning all along to roll out the completed Passion Translation New Testament on that very day. We are nick-naming our translation, the Reformation Bible. We believe that it will truly be a great tool in this next great moving of God’s Spirit in the earth which will affect many generations to come! [emphasis added] 1 

A new reformation bible for “another reformation”? What is this new reformation? Could it be the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)? Read what leaders in the NAR movement are saying about The Passion Translation here.

Learn more about the NAR movement here: